Tag Archive | Opinion

Fluffy Writing

How much of what is written as an article or blog post is just fluff with a catchy headline to get you to click on the post so you’ll view advertisements and the “writer” will get paid for you to see the advertisements? I think the advertisers should pay me to see all their advertisements. I’m kind of tired of all the advertisements. Advertisements. Advertisements. Advertisements. I’m tired of looking for something of value to read and instead, it’s just fluff filled with advertisements. I get that I’m not paying to read the article and the author needs to make money in some way and advertising is often a fairly easy way to get paid. Some posts just aren’t worth reading.

Did you know people use the term, “expert,” loosely? I could call myself an expert housekeeper simply because I wash dishes and do laundry and know a few things about ways to wash different materials properly. Or not wash them at all because water is bad for wool. But that doesn’t make me an expert. I’m actually just average and maybe not even that skilled.

I’m not an expert at raising children, either. I’ve raised or helped raise five children now, currently between the ages of 16 and 3. I know a few things that work and a few things that don’t work. That doesn’t make me an expert. I’m actually just average and maybe not even that skilled.

I’m not an expert at playing piano or singing, while we’re on the topic of not being an expert. I’ve played piano and sung for 29 years and I know a few things that beginners don’t know and I’ve learned how to keep playing and singing in spite of mistakes, but that doesn’t make me an expert. I’m not sure I’m even average.

So that’s what we’re left with on popular search engines’ top pages: a bunch of average people claiming to be experts in their field, writing a bunch of fluff with catchy headlines and various advertisements popping up from nowhere or a hundred advertisements throughout the nonsense post. Bang my head against a wall.


Photo by freestocks.org on Pexels.com

And in case you’re wondering, this is an opinion piece and I do not claim to be an expert. I didn’t even do much for research. My opinion, which I really enjoy sharing, is based on my experiences over the last several months of looking into how to make money online as a stay at home mom doing freelance writing. Which is basically just a statement that includes lots of popular keywords people use in search engines.

How to Make Money from Home…or Not.

I’d like to make some money. I’m willing to work, online, from home or a nearby coffee shop or fast food restaurant. I’m okay at writing, though I haven’t quite learned SEO or content writing or copyblogging, or whatever the latest popular idea is. Mostly, I’m good at writing how I feel and think. That’s what you get when you spend a good part of your life journaling to deal with the emotions and upheavals of childhood, adolescence, and life in general. I did write a lot of papers in college that had nothing to do with how I feel or even what I think and I did okay with those, so I could probably get the hang of it again if I put my mind to it and FOCUS.

I started learning how to do digital marketing through an online course, which I don’t mind doing if I’m selling something of value, like my Hate Stops Here t-shirts and hoodies. I might even be good at it, if someone could show me how to research, because I end up getting bogged down with a million pieces of information and I’m not sure which information I’m supposed to be looking at. Maybe that’s what the course would teach me if I could make enough money to pay for it. You know, make money so I can learn how to make money. AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!

people taking group hug

Photo by rawpixel.com on Pexels.com

I also found an interest in investing, particularly day trading and binary options. I’m starting to learn how to do those things. I like that NADEX offers a two week opportunity to learn how to make/execute/trade? binary options before you lay down your real money and end up losing it all in the beginning. But again, I have to make money before I can start making money. Shake my head.

Oh, the joys of adulthood.

And, no, I’m not receiving any money from NADEX to share my opinion. I was researching day trading a bit ago and found the website and information. So there you have it.